Ukraine: manganese output halved in August 2015
In August Ukraine produced 155.1 thousand tons of manganese concentrate and sinter, down by 50.4% YoY, or by 157.4 thousand tons.
In August Ukraine produced 155.1 thousand tons of manganese concentrate and sinter, down by 50.4% YoY, or by 157.4 thousand tons.
Month Russian market, $/t, EXW, without VAT, $1/RUR66.478* Ukrainian market, $/t, without VAT, EXW, $1/UAH21.185* Export, Ukraine, $/t, DAP Ukrainian border Export, Russia, $/t, DAP Russian border min max min max min max min max July 16.77 16.77 36.58 42.09 35.00 40.00 35.00 45.00 August 18.19 18.19 25.73 30.92 35.00 40.00 35.00 45.00 * -…
Metinvest Group has finished the capital repair of the sintering machine #2 at the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works.
Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works named after Dzerzhinsky plans to start producing angles with 25-40 sections.
The Supervisory board of the Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works named after Dzerzhinsky has reelected Leonid Frumkin as its chairman.