The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Azovstal output down in 8 months of 2015

In January-August Azovstal Iron and Steel Works (Donetsk region), a part of the Metinvest Group of Companies, produced 2.02 million tons of rolled metal, down by 10.1% YoY.

According to a company representative, steel output went down by 11%, to 2.24 million tons, while that of pig iron dropped by 12.3%, to 1.94 million tons.

Because of the shut down sintering shop, the works didn’t produce sinter.

In August Azovstal produced 236 thousand tons of rolled metal, 276 thousand tons of steel and 243 thousand tons of pig iron, as opposed to 248 thousand tons of rolled metal, 281 thousand tons of steel and 252 thousand tons of pig iron in July. (Ukrainian metal)

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