Ukraine: miners demanding 890 million UAH

According to the Independent miners union of Ukraine, the state owes 890 million UAH to miners, or $33.4 million. Earlier the minister of energy and coal industry Igor Nasalik claimed the debt was 355 million UAH ($13.3 million). “This is not true, as some state-run coal companies still have December 2015 salary debts. According to…

Ukraine: coal imports down in January-August 2016

In January-August power-generating companies of Ukraine imported $1.21 billion worth of coal, down by $902.2 million YoY. According to the State Fiscal Service, the largest suppliers of coal were Russia ($594.9 million), USA ($132.7 million) and Australia ($49.5 million). Earlier energy minister Igor Nasalik claimed Russian coal was not a priority for the ministry. (Ukrainian…

Ukraine: miners see no money promised

The minister of energy and coal industry Igor Nasalik has not cleared all the salary debts to state miners by the Miners’ Day. He promised to do this in mid-July. As of August 31, the employees of at least one mine haven’t received their salary, those of Novovolynskaya No. 10, who have blocked the road.…