Ukraine: June 2016 results for ATO zone works

June proved to be extremely unlucky for Ukrainian metal companies mostly because of the railroad strike. Steel smelting dropped by 19% MoM, to 1.87 million tons, pig iron output decreased by 20.5% MoM, to 1.79 million tons. Average daily steel output in June totaled 62.4 thousand tons as opposed to 73.2 thousand tons in May.…

Ukraine: metal sales in January-May 2016

In January-May Ukraine sold 660.8 billion UAH worth of industrial products (588.2 billion UAH in January-May 2015), including 177.2 billion UAH exported (174.5 billion UAH). According to the State Statistics Committee, metal and metal wares accounted for 17% of the total volume, while mining products totaled 12.1%. In May mining sales went up by 15.7%…

Ukraine: H1 2016 coal mining down

In January-June Ukrainian companies mined 18975.1 thousand tons of coal, down by 2.6% YoY, or by 496.6 thousand tons. According to the Ministry of energy and coal industry, coking coal mining went up by 7.3% YoY, or by 4357.1 thousand tons, while that of power-generating coal dropped by 5.1% YoY, or by 793.6 thousand tons,…