The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Kametstal makes air in Kamenskoye worst in country

One of the largest plants and biggest environment polluters in Kamenskoye is Kametstal. This is the merger of Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Combine and Dneprovsky By-Product Coke Plant.

In 2023, air in Kamenskoye was declared the dirtiest in Ukraine after Dnipro, according to UA War Infographics.

Lately, citizens have been complaining about air quality. A week ago ozone pollution reached 58 with the norm being 19 (to which it falls at night). One of the possible reasons is the operation of Kametstal owned by Metinvest.

In 2023, Kametstal paid 2.154 billion UAH of taxes, including 605 million UAH to the city budget. Last year the company mastered manufacture of 8 new products. 1.996 million tons of steel was sold: 35% to local customers and 65% to external customers in 21 countries.

In July, Kametstal started supplying rebars to Poland. (Ukrainian metal)

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