Metinvest enterprises are able to satisfy the local demand for galvanized metal with thickness less than 0.3 mm, Metinvest Holding marketing director Roman Kurashev said, commenting Russian and Chinese duties.
“First of all, we will commission a modernized hot-rolling mill-1700 at Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works, and thus will be using hot-rolled metal with the thickness from 1.5 mm not 1.8 mm to produce thin cold-rolled metal. We will also be able to increase the range of cold-rolled metal products and the volumes for galvanizing. Second, we have a plan to modernized Mariupol Ilyich cold-rolling shops”, he noted.
The mill-1700 reconstruction will be carried out in stages. During the first stage the heating furnace No. 1 and a new pneumatic winder have been commissioned resulting in the increase of the hot-rolled coil to 16.5 tons, the start of the manufacture of hot-rolled etched coils without welding seam weighing up to 15 tons as well as cold-rolled coils without welding seam weighing 14-15 tons.
The second stage presupposes the assembly of a new roughing mill, two hydraulic descaling machines, a coilbox and modernization of three finishing stands.
“With the reconstruction we will get an almost new mill. The quality of our coils will meet the highest world requirements. The minimal thickness will be 1.2 mm, unlike 1.8 mm now”, Kurashev added.
By 2022 Metinvest plans to have reached the hot-rolled metal output of 2.5 million tons per year. Now the mill can only produce 1.3 million tons. (Ukrainian metal)