The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Zinchenko tells of new Metinvest department

The new subdivision of Metinvest – the Technical Service Department – will deal with orders and technical support of customers, the department director, ex-CEO of Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works Yuri Zinchenko said.

“I’m currently chairing a new and very important division, it’s new both for the company and for the industry – the Technical Service Department. Under constant competition on the market and its unpredictability, showing ones effectiveness and prime cost is not enough. You also have to work with the client, whose orders become more and more specific and demanding”, he explained.

The task of the new department will be the technical support of clients, negotiations, coordination of manufacture, product quality, output, and logistics.

“Such an approach should bring additional orders to the company and increase profits”, Zinchenko added. (Ukrainian metal)

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