The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Avdiivka resumes electrode pitch output

Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Works, a part of the Metinvest Group, has put into operation its tar-distilling workshop.

According to the company statement, the work of the electrode pitch granulation and packing line has been restored.

The workshop was stopped a month ago because of the instable power supply caused by the constant shelling. The silence regime allowed power engineers to repair three of the four high-voltage bushings that powered the works.

The Avdiivka tar-distilling workshop manufactures 7 product types, with electrode pitch being its main product. It is used in non-ferrous metallurgy. Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Works exports the pitch to aluminum plants in CIS, Europe and Africa.

The previous halt of the workshop was caused by sever damages as the result of the shelling. The workshop has been idle for over 8 months. (Ukrainian metal)

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