Ukrainian ferroalloy output up in 10 months of 2014
In January-October Ukrainian ferroalloy companies produced 872.3 thousand tons of ferroalloys, up by 24.2% YoY.
In January-October Ukrainian ferroalloy companies produced 872.3 thousand tons of ferroalloys, up by 24.2% YoY.
In July-September Metinvest group of companies produced 1650 thousand tons of pig iron, down by 44%, or by 1315 thousand tons, QoQ.
As of November 1, importers of pipes to Ukraine have used 87.38% of their quota (till April 2015) for delivery of steel casing pipes with 406.4 mm diameter.
In July-September Metinvest Group of Companies produced 1730 thousand tons of steel, down by 42%, or by 240 thousand tons, QoQ.
In September Ukraine exported $19.29 million worth of pig iron with imports on the level of $0.16 million.
In January-October Ukrainian metal companies produced 23.41 million tons of carbon steel, down by 14.8% YoY.
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