The Ukrainian Metal

Dneprospetsstal decreases steel output in 2009

It is reported that total cost of the products manufactured at the mill last year exceeded $2.04 billion.
According to calculations, in recent 12 months Dneprospetsstal produced 261100 tons of steel, a 46% decrease YoY. Rolled steel output decreased by 47.2 % to 166500 tons.

In January to November 2009 Dneprospetsstal reduced finished products output by 49.1% YoY to 142,000 tons, steel output by 49.8% to 234000 tons. In November the mill produced 18176 tonnes of rolled steel and 29137 tons of crude steel.
According to the results of 2008 Dneprospetsstal decreased the production of finished products by 9.1 % YoY, to 289000 tons, steel output by 12.2 %, to 482000 tons.
Dneprospetsstal is the only special steel sections manufacturer in Ukraine. It produces stainless, tool-high speed, bearing and construction steel and nickel heat resistant alloys. (Minprom)

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